Day: April 5, 2022

Portrait Poster of Me!

Today we did an activity using our drawing skills. Instead of using colouring pencils/crayons we decided to make a potrait of ourselves using sketching pencils. Sketching pencils are used to shade and sketch.

  • First we sketched our lines of symmetry.
  • Then we tried our best to draw the shape of our face, ears and shoulders/torso.
  • After that we drew lines of where we think the features (eyes, lips, nose) of our face would go.
  • Once we figured out where they went we actually drew them using our imagination and a refrence photo.
  • Lastly we shaded and made it look perfect!

Here is what I have made –

The hardest part was having to make the perfect face shape and eye shape because the refrence photo was a bit hard to communicate with. I tried my best and I am proud!
One thing I found easy was shading. It was east to understand where the light was coming from and the 3d parts!

I challenge you to try your best to make yourself using lines of symmetry!

I hope you like it